Meet the Powerade ION4

Powerade ION4 (2)Look as a person whose life almost functions from sporting event to sporting event, there is nothing quite as nice as a good sports drink after busting a gut on the sports field. I mean, score a hat-trick, smash a personal best in running or even hit a Kevin Anderson-like ace and get rewarded with the sugars you have earned. And as I have recently learned, its is very important to keep your body hydrated.

When we sweats they lose fluids and may lose four minerals – sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. New Powerade ION4 has been formulated with these additional minerals in mind for sweat loss during endurance exercise.

Powerade ION4 not only hydrates, because it provides fluid to the body, but it also fuels the body, because it contains carbohydrates. Carbohydrates act as a source of energy for the brain to maintain skills and decision making capabilities and provides energy for muscles to sustain performance and delay the onset of fatigue.

To give the new Powerade ION4 a test run,Powerade hosted an exciting surprise sweat session at the Emirates Airline Park where players from the Wanderers under-19 development team got the surprise of a lifetime. Expecting a mid-week match, instead the aspiring young rugby players got to meet former Springbok Ashwin Willemse and some of SA’s top Super15 players including: Pat Lambie, Jessie Kriel, Warren Whiteley and Marnitz Boschoff. The youngsters also got to test the new Powerade ION4 and were put through the paces by former All Black and Lions coach John Mitchell, completing a rigorous sweat session alongside some of their sporting heroes.

The new Powerade ION4 is currently available at selected stores across the country and is offered in a concentrate form with three flavour options: Mountain Blast, Jagged Ice and Naartjie.

Powerade ION4 (1)

For more information on Powerade ION4 go to

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