October 14, 2015

October is Kimberley Diamond Cup month

Written by Marcel Sigg (@MarcelSigg) from Run Ride Dive You may remember I went to the Northern Cape last year for this event and the action was just as spectacular this time. It was great to meet up
September 3, 2015

Skateboarding Showdown in the Mother City

Skateboarders from across the country will descend on Cape Town this weekend (5-6 September) when the Skateboarding for Hope tour presented by VANS pulls into Canal Walk for its final stop of the year. This
October 16, 2014

The Kimberley Diamond Cup Experience

By Marcel Sigg of Run Ride Dive I spent the weekend in Kimberley as a guest of the Northern Cape Tourism Authority covering the annual Kimberley Diamond Cup World Championships. Link to album. If,
June 14, 2013

Skateboarding to hit Kimberley

  On this blog we have covered more than 20 sports in our 3 years now, but today we introduce another one to the site. When I was 14, in amongst the cricket, hockey, soccer and tennis I played, I also