September 21, 2015

well i am… worth it

98 days ago I embarked on a challenge to change myself. A challenge to move to a healthy lifestyle and to become someone I am proud to be. With a massive degree of trepidation I embarked on the well i
July 23, 2015

Going the distance with well i am

38 days ago I embarked on my own journey with the well i am challenge. I had hidden behind a range of excuses regarding my weight and had failed to take ownership of my own situation. It was frankly
June 23, 2015

Checking in on the well i am

You may remember from a previous post that I am taking on the well i am challenge in a bid to fix my life, fix my health and fix my future. The well i am 4 challenge is now ten days underway as I type
June 4, 2015

Taking on the well i am challenge

For years I have hidden behind a range of excuses and failed to take accountability for my health and more specifically my weight. On my recent journey with the Unogwaja Challenge I was once again reminded