Last week we showed you five reasons to enter the Cape Town Tens Rugby, Volleyball and Netball tournaments taking place in the Western Cape from the 4-6 February 2016. Its one of the finest parties you can experience even with an element of sport involved. Ahead of the 2016 Cape Town Tens Rugby festival, we have managed to get some tickets to giveaway to you and a friend and we will throw in a case of Castle Lager too.
Of course the early bird tickets have been released for the entire weekend at a ridiculously cheap price of R160. This will include some epic parties, some epic beers and an epic venue. When you think how much George Ezra cost recently for 2 songs, its a non discussion really.
But back to our competition, if you would like to win tickets to the Cape Town Tens its really simple. Enter in the following ways.
- Watch the Promo Video above to be able to answer the following question. Which Rugby player sang a version of Kaptein with Kurt Darren?
- Post your answer either in the comments below or on Twitter with the following tweet:
“How cool is <insert answer here> singing Kaptein. Win tickets and beer to the @Takealot10s with @ATJabu”
Winners will be announced on 14 September. Travel is not included.
Duane Vermeulen