Win a well i am entry

well i am 4The well i am challenge is something that I will hold dear to my heart. In well i am 4 I made massive changes in my life that have had a massive impact on how I live and also my mindset. I will also be taking part in well i am 5 in order to continue the change and refocus my efforts. I want to invite you to take part with me.

I have one entry to well i am five to give to one of my readers. The members locker is one of the most inspirational places on the internet and with that in mind, to enter you simply have to share an inspirational picture on one of the social media platforms and tag both Jabu and well i am challenge.

Facebook – All Things Jabu & well i am

Instagram – @TyronBarnard & @welliamchlg

Twitter – @TyronBarnard & @welliamCHLG

well i am 3The picture that inspires us the most will win an entry and that will be announced on the 1 March on the new All Things Jabu platform, which will be launched that day. Of course if you don’t win, then you can still enter for well i am 5 which kick starts on the 9 March.

Each entry into the well i am challenge is rewarded with a wellness kit worth over R1000! The winner of the challenge walks away with a life changing R40 000 in cash and long term healthy habits! For the small fee of R549. Change is a choice.

Find out more:

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